Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recap of 2023-24 School Year

As the school year comes to an end, it's a great time to reflect on all that we have accomplished together. Thank you to all educators and the parent community for your support of our council initiatives over the past year. 

With the growth of our school community, we are looking forward to welcoming many new parents/guardians around the council table. This is a great opportunity to hear first-hand from school administration about what is happening at the school, and to share your ideas and feedback on what we can do to support our students. 

The St. Philip School Council supported the following activities/initiatives during the 2023-24 school year:

  • Sensory hallways
  • Scientists in the School (11 sessions)
  • Luv2Groove
  • Educator support initiative - up to $100 per educator to purchase items for use with their students. Here are some of the items that were reimbursed to the educators:
    • Books for the classroom
    • Board games for indoor recesses
    • Embroidery floss and paint for art classes
    • Math games
    • Language flash cards
    • Nature play accessories for kinder classes
  • Purchase of resources for the leaning commons (funds raised through the Gift of Reading fundraiser)
  • Invention Convention and Science Fair
  • Outdoor "yard bags" (sports balls, skipping ropes, other items to be used during recess)
  • Educator requests:
    • Yoga mats and blocks for yoga club
    • Storage for new "monkey room" for students with special needs
2023-24 School Community Events:
  • Boohoo/yahoo back to school breakfast
  • Christmas Social
  • Fun Fair
2023-24 Fundraising activities:
  • Hot lunch program: JoJo's pizza and Lunch Lady
  • Fun Fair (event and community sponsorships)
  • Little Caesars pizza kit sales
  • Richmond Nursery spring flower fundraiser
  • Mabel's Labels
  • Gift of Reading in support of the Learning Commons
Please consider joining our team of fun and dedicated parents! If you have questions, please reach out to us at st.philip.school.council@gmail.com. The School Council meets once a month in the St. Philip Learning Commons. All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings. 

For up-to-date council news and access to our meeting minutes, please visit the School Council blog at stphilipschoolcouncil.blogspot.ca. 

2023-24 School Council Executive
Michelle McIver and Kelly Cochrane, Co-chairs
Chelsea Fowler and Stacey Woodruff, Co-treasurers
Sarah Prince and Julie Demers, Co-secretaries
Heather Gordon, Parish representative
Janna Redmond, CSPA representative
Sara Cannon, Community representative

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